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Thursday 31 January 2013

How to Monetize Your Blog

Deciding to monetize your blog is something you need to think long and hard about. What sort of avenues will you use to generate income? Will you use traditional advertising or make use of affiliate advertising or Google AdSense?
There are hundreds of options for you to choose from and this can sometimes become confusing and intimidating. I find it is best to monetize your blog from your reader’s perspective. There is no use advertising an Amazon Shoe ad if your blog is a technology based one. Similarly why promote something your readers would not want to purchase or click on? Your advertising space is precious so you should only be adding things of value! I went through the stage of adding everything and anything but this can work to your detriment. Your readers may get annoyed by the ads popping up that are of little relevance to their interests and will not return to your blog. Sometimes as a blogger you have to learn this the hard way, but I hope this post helps you avoid that pitfall.

blogging for money
Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a great way to start advertising and is great for beginners who are new to monetizing their blogs. Google displays ads on your website that are suited to your audience’s interests, and you can earn money from valid clicks or impressions.
You can choose sizes and where you want the ad positioned on your blog by adding the html code to that section of the blog. This type of advertising is great to start on but I personally found it didn’t bring much revenue.

Traditional Advertising
You may just choose to use traditional advertising, meaning paid ads in your sidebar or wherever you ad space is on your blog. These can be in a variety of sizes and shapes and may include things like featured posts for the largest ad for example. This always entices people to go for the largest advertising spot if they think they can get something else out of it rather than just ad space.
There are now websites that even look after this for you so you don’t need to go through the hassle of updating ads on a daily basis. Passionfruit Ads are great to use as advertisers can immediately pay for a spot on your blog without even having to email you. Of course you decide if you want the ad to appear on your blog or not and always have complete control.

 Affiliate Links
Affiliate links are a fantastic way to monetize your blog and I find they are the most profitable. You can display products you love in a post and link back to the product using an affiliate link meaning you earn commission when someone purchases the product. You can also do reviews and link back to products or websites the possibilities are endless.

by Ilana Morgan

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